Tips for using your fridge and freezer efficiently

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Give your fridge space
Refrigerators and freezers rely on airflow to keep your food cool and not overheat themselves. When the unit is surrounded by walls and cabinets it is harder to maintain the airflow and the appliance has to use more energy. By giving your refrigerator or freezer ventilation space you are helping it do its job more efficiently.
Check the temperature
The lower the setting on the thermostat, the more energy your refrigerator uses. The CSIRO (Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation) recommends any temperature under five degrees Celsius is acceptable, with the ideal temperature for domestic refrigerators being three degrees Celsius.
Seal it up
The seals on fridges and freezers prevent cold air escaping. If the seals are loose or gaping then the unit has to work harder to keep the inside cool, resulting in increased energy consumption and costs. Keeping the seals on fridges and freezers in good condition will save you money in the long run.
Think ahead
Opening the fridge or freezer door over and over again for long periods drains energy and costs you money. Think about what you will need before opening the fridge door, so you can get everything you need in one go.
Question the second fridge
Many Australian households have a second fridge. Think carefully about whether you really need that extra fridge, and if needed, consider its energy efficiency. The more energy efficient the greater the savings.