New Zealand Regulator requirements

The Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority (EECA) is responsible for implementing the New Zealand Energy Efficiency (Energy Using Products) Regulations 2002. The Energy Efficiency Regulations are like the Greenhouse and Energy Minimum Standards Act 2012, but there are some differences that must be complied with if your products are being supplied in New Zealand.
Selling and supplying products in New Zealand
Products regulated under the Equipment Energy Efficiency (E3) Program must be registered before they can be sold in New Zealand.
You can register your products in New Zealand with EECA using the trans-Tasman Energy Rating Product Registration system. If the product is already registered in Australia, it doesn’t need to be registered in New Zealand.
Products registered in New Zealand may be sold in Australia without registering the products in Australia. This can only happen if the Trans-Tasman Mutual Recognition Agreement (TTMRA) is used.
Registration requirements
Registering a product model in New Zealand is like Australia, however, there are some key differences.
- Only New Zealand importers and New Zealand manufacturers can register products in New Zealand.
- Registering a product does not incur a registration fee.
- Product registrations do not expire. Rather, they are cancelled once the product is no longer sold. They are also superseded if the regulations change.
See the ‘what does my registration status mean’ heading on the Registering your product page of the EECA website for more information.
Compliance requirements
New Zealand importers or manufacturers must:
- supply mandatory sales data
- comply with Minimum Energy Performance Standards and Mandatory Energy Performance Labelling requirements, as per the Energy Efficiency (Energy Using Products) Regulations 2002, which may differ from the requirements in Australia.
What happens when new requirements are introduced for a product model?
Products imported into New Zealand from the enforcement date must meet the new Minimum Energy Performance Standards and Mandatory Energy Performance Labelling Requirements.
When legislation is updated, if the product does not meet the new requirements, then it will be superseded. Any existing stock imported or manufactured in New Zealand before the enforcement date can still be sold without meeting the new requirements.
If the product registration has been superseded, a new registration (meeting the new requirements) will be required to sell any newly imported or New Zealand manufactured products.
New Zealand does not have grandfathering provisions for product registrations.