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For Consumers

Clothes washers

Child and adult unloading clothes dryer in kitchen

Clothes washers

Clothes washers are becoming more efficient. But they can still have a big impact on your power bill. Taking the time to source an energy-efficient washing machine, and learning how to use it, can save you money and reduce the impact on the environment.

Household clothes washers must:

  • meet Minimum Energy Performance Standards.
  • display an Energy Rating Label.

The Energy Rating Label

The more stars, the more savings.

The Energy Rating Label helps you make informed choices when buying a clothes washer. It provides 3 important pieces of information about the appliance:

  • star rating
  • estimated annual energy consumption for Warm Wash and Cold Wash (optional) products
  • ‘Program Time’.

The star rating shows the energy efficiency of an appliance. It allows you to compare the efficiency of products that have similar capacity and features. The more stars, the less energy it uses and the cheaper it is to run.

The energy consumption tells you the estimated amount of electricity the appliance can use in a year. This helps you predict the running costs. This:

  • assumes you wash a load every day, using the washing setting listed on the label
  • For models that have both warm and cold washes, the cold wash performance has not been tested unless the label specifically has a cold wash energy value.

The ‘Program Time’ relates to the program used to test the model’s energy performance. It is the time, in minutes, the clothes dryer takes to complete that program cycle.

It must also display the:

  • brand
  • model of the clothes washer
  • load capacity, which is the amount of dry clothes you can place in the drum in kilograms.
  • Program name, which is the program specified to calculate the estimated annual energy consumption. It is assumed that clothes washers are used 7 times a week.

Washer dryer combinations (combos) will display two Energy Rating Labels, one for the washing and one for the drying function.

Know your labels

This is the new warm wash Energy Rating Label, left, and warm and cold (optional) wash Energy Rating Label, right, which is being phased in from 4 October 2024. Both labels are only used on models that have a 6-star (or below) rating.

NEW Energy Rating Labels for Clothes washer different wash consumption 3.5 star rating

The new super-efficient warm wash Energy Rating Label, left, and warm and cold (optional) wash Energy Rating Label, right, which is being phased in from 4 October 2024. Both labels are used for models that meet or beat a 7-star rating.

NEW Energy Rating Label for Super Efficiency Clothes washer different wash consumption 7 star rating

This is the older wash and cold (optional) Energy Rating Label (ERL) which you may see on some appliances up to 3 October 2030 when they will be phased out. This includes the older:

  • warm wash ERL
  • super-efficient warm wash ERL
  • super-efficient warm and cold (optional) wash ERL.
Energy Rating Label for Clothes Washer showing 1 to 6 stars

How to choose the right clothes washer for you

  • Start with the size of the drum or capacity

    When purchasing a clothes washer, the first step is to determine the size that meets your needs.

    Capacity is key when choosing a clothes washer. This is measured in kilograms and represents the amount of dry clothes it can hold.

    To find out the right capacity for you, stand on your bathroom scales and record the weight. Then pick up a full basket of laundry and check the difference. Or check the capacity of your current washing machine (and dryer for washing machine and dryer combos). This gives you a good starting point.

    The capacity of washing machines on the market varies greatly, ranging from 5kg to over 18kg. Remember buying bigger is not always better. Larger machines usually use more electricity and more water, which means they will cost you more money in the long run.

  • Decide on top or front loader

    Consider what is right for you.

    Front loader machines:

    • usually have higher purchasing costs but use less water and energy, saving you money in the long run
    • are gentler on clothes
    • have much longer washing cycles.

    Top loaders tend to have shorter cycle times and can be more reliable, they are also harsher on your clothes and use more energy and water.

  • Consider the physical size of the clothes washer

    Make sure you always measure the cavity or the physical space that you have for a new appliance. It could save you the hassle of cancelling your purchase or needing to return an item after it has been delivered.

  • Use the star rating to compare energy efficiency

    It is important to compare products of the same capacity.

    You can use the star ratings on the Energy Rating Label to compare the energy efficiency of similar sized appliances.

    The star rating considers the capacity of the appliance. For example, a 10kg clothes washer with a 5-star energy rating will use more energy than a 6kg clothes washer with a 5-star rating.

  • How will your clothes washer connect to the water outlet in your home?

    Find out if the clothes washer you are considering heats water internally or relies on a hot/cold water, or a mixer connection. This may determine the type of dishwasher you choose.

    Be aware that newer buildings often have different water connections to older buildings (especially in the laundry space).

Find and compare clothes washers

See how much you can save by choosing an energy-efficient appliance.

Water Rating Label

Clothes washers or washer dryer combos must display a Water Rating Label, under the Water Efficiency Labelling and Standards scheme.

The scheme was established in 2005 to encourage more efficient domestic water use and reduce demand for drinking water in Australia by informing consumers about water efficiency. It regulates taps, showers, toilets, urinals, flow controllers, dishwashers and washing machines.

Visit the Water Rating site for more information.
Water rating label 4 stars out of 6

Tips for using your clothes washing machine

  • Save energy and money while washing your clothes

    You can save energy and money by:

    • Choosing to wash your clothes in cold water. Cooler washes use less energy because hot water requires energy to heat the water used.
    • Washing a full load. Many clothes washers use a similar amount of energy for full or partial loads. Most people are also surprised at the amount of washing their machine can handle. That is why it is important to understand the rated capacity of their washing machine.
    • Using load sensing technology if available. This means that only the amount of water and electricity needed for the load is used, minimising waste and cost.
A copy of the Your Home book laying on a coffee table with a mug of coffee

Visit Your Home which provides information on designing new homes and home improvements. There is a dedicated Wastewater reuse section, that provides information about reusing wastewater.

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