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On 28 March 2025 the government assumed a Caretaker role. Information on websites maintained by the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water will be published in accordance with the Guidance on Caretaker Conventions until after the conclusion of the caretaker period.



We aim to make our information available on an open and reusable basis where possible. This includes on our websites and in our agency (Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water) social media channels. does not permit the display of pages from this site within frames on another site without written consent.


Except where otherwise stated, the Commonwealth of Australia owns copyright in all material produced on this website by the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water.

Unless otherwise specified, you can use our material under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) 4.0 International licence.

Excluded from this licence: 

  • the Energy Rating Calculator 
  • the Energy Rating Label and the Energy Rating Icon (which is trademarked)
  • content supplied by third parties
  • the Commonwealth Coat of Arms
  • the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water logo
  • the Water Efficiency Labelling and Standards (WELS) label
  • content that is specified as being subject to third party copyright limitations or some other licence terms.

Details of the CC-BY 4.0 International licence conditions are on the Creative Commons website.

Our social media channels

We use social media channels to connect with you. This includes Facebook pages, Twitter accounts and YouTube channels.

You may use all material we post on these channels under a Creative Commons (CC) Attribution 4.0 International licence, except where otherwise stated. Details of the licence are on the Creative Commons website.

Material posted by any other person (such as public users of the channels) is made available to you by that person under a Creative Commons (CC) Attribution 4.0 licence.

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You are free to copy, communicate and adapt the Commonwealth copyright material on this website in accordance with CC BY 4.0, so long as you attribute the Commonwealth of Australia (Equipment Energy Efficiency Program) as the author of the original material (Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water) and the authors in the following manner:

Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water, 2023. [Insert name of publication and include website link].

© Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water 2023

Third party copyright

Wherever a third party holds copyright in material presented on this website, the copyright remains with that party. Their permission may be required to use the material.

We have made reasonable efforts to:

  • clearly label material where the copyright is owned by a third party and identify the owner of such material
  • ensure that the copyright owner has consented to this material being presented on the website.

Using the Commonwealth Coat of Arms

Terms of use for the Coat of Arms are available from the It’s an Honour website.

Using our logo

Our logos, including Australian Government, Greenhouse and Energy Minimum Standards Regulator, Equipment Energy Efficiency Program, must not be used without the prior, specific, written permission of the Commonwealth of Australia. If you wish to seek permission, please contact us.

No circumvention of terms

You must check and comply with the licensing information for each set of material you wish to use.

You may need to contact us or a third party copyright owner for permission to use the material. You may also use material in accordance your rights under the Copyright Act 1968. For example, under the fair dealing provisions or statutory licences.

Using material in a way not permitted by this copyright notice may be an infringement of copyright. Infringing copyright may expose you to legal action by, and liability to, the copyright owner.

Contact us

Contact us to request permission to use material for purposes outside terms stated here or on the material.

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