National Strategy on Energy Efficiency
In October 2008, the Council of Australian Governments (COAG) agreed to develop a National Strategy on Energy Efficiency (the Strategy) to accelerate energy efficiency efforts, streamline roles and responsibilities across levels of governments, and help households and businesses prepare for the introduction of the Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme (the Scheme). A first round of stakeholder consultation was conducted in late January and early February 2009, with national workshops covering energy efficiency in the buildings sector, appliances and equipment and industry. The Strategy set out in this paper is designed to substantially improve minimum standards for energy efficiency and accelerate the introduction of new technologies through improving regulatory processes and addressing the barriers to the uptake of new energy-efficient products and technologies.The Strategy aims to encourage and support innovation in energy efficient technologies and approaches. It incorporates and builds on measures already agreed by COAG and the Ministerial Council on Energy through the National Framework on Energy Efficiency (NFEE).