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On 28 March 2025 the government assumed a Caretaker role. Information on websites maintained by the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water will be published in accordance with the Guidance on Caretaker Conventions until after the conclusion of the caretaker period.


Displaying the Energy Rating Label

This page contains general guidelines on displaying Energy Rating Labels.

minimum standards regulator logo

The Energy Rating Label

Energy Rating Labels are comparison labels that are mandatory to display when supplying certain products in Australia and New Zealand.

The Energy Rating Label helps consumers make informed choices about the appliances they buy. It does this by providing information about the energy efficiency of the appliance, including the star rating and estimated annual energy consumption.

A product will be granted an Energy Rating Label when it is registered, if it meets the requirements in the Greenhouse and Energy Minimum Standards Determination for that product.

See Displaying the Energy Rating Label for support to display the Energy Rating Label correctly in store and the Energy Rating icon online.


Labelling requirements can vary between products

Check the relevant Greenhouse and Energy Minimum Standards Determination through the Regulated products page for specific instructions for how the Energy Rating Label must be displayed for your product.

Regulated products

When are labels required?

Energy Rating Labels are required to be displayed when supplying, or offering to supply, the following products in Australian retail stores.

  • Single-phase, non-ducted, and unitary or single-split air conditioners up to 30 kW.
  • Clothes dryers.
  • Clothes washers.
  • Computer monitors.
  • Dishwashers.
  • Household refrigerators and freezers.
  • Televisions.
  • Swimming pool and spa pool pumps.

Energy Rating Labels are not required in print or online advertising, but you can use the Energy Rating Icon to help customers make an informed purchase decision.

How to display the Energy Rating Label

  • Label visibility

    In general, the Energy Rating Label must be clearly visible on the front of the product, preferably on the upper front, or if that is not possible, on the top of the product. 

    Energy Rating Labels must not be:

    • covered by promotional material, including price stickers or brand promotions
    • covered with other stickers or labels (such as product barcodes)
    • marked (e.g. written on with marker pens)
    • faded or damaged.
  • Label attachment

    Labels can be attached using a self-adhesive label, double-sided swing tag, static cling label, or single-sided non-rotating tag.

  • Lost or damaged labels

    If an Energy Rating Label is lost or damaged, you should follow these steps.

    1. Remove the product from display until you have a new Energy Rating Label.
    2. Contact your product supplier to get a new label for the product.
    3. See if you can print an interim Energy Rating Label – this will need to match the design contained within the Greenhouse and Energy Minimum Standards Determination for that product and can be used until you receive a new Energy Rating Label from the supplier.

    You may find some Energy Rating Labels are difficult to keep attached to the product. If this is the case, provide feedback to your product supplier as they may be able to consider a different adhesive method in the future.

Compliance with Energy Rating Label Requirements 

Greenhouse and Energy Minimum Standards Inspectors check products in stores across Australia to make sure they meet energy efficiency registration and labelling requirements. Results are published online, which can be a valuable resource for retailers to monitor compliance in their stores and educate their staff and suppliers if required.

Learn how to comply.
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More labelling information can be found on...

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