Understand the Zoned Energy Rating Label
Get to know the Energy Rating Label information so you can convey the information to consumers.

The performance of an air conditioner is affected by the climate in which it operates. For this reason, most newly registered air conditioners must have a special Zoned Energy Rating Label.
Some air conditioner models for sale in stores may have older registrations that run through to 2025. These models can continue to use the old Energy Rating Label until their registration expires. Once these registrations expire and the products are re-registered, they will need to display the Zoned Energy Rating Label.
Reading the Zoned Energy Rating Label
The Zoned Energy Rating Label provides a seasonal efficiency rating for three distinct climate zones across Australia and New Zealand (hot, average and cold), which helps consumers select a product that best suits their location. To identify which climate zone relates to you visit the Energy Rating Calculator.
At the top of the label, output capacity is provided for heating at two outdoor temperatures and cooling at one outdoor temperature.
Estimated annual energy use in kilowatt hours or kWh is provided on the right of the label, for heating (red) and cooling (blue) in each climate zone.
In addition, there are noise indicators at the bottom left to show the volume in decibels (dB(A)) of the internal and external units of the air conditioner.

More information on Zoned Energy Rating Labels
What does energy use mean?
The energy use of an air conditioner is the amount of electricity consumed by the air conditioner during operation. This is measured under conditions specified in an Australian Standard.
The Zoned Energy Rating Label shows the energy use (in kWh per year) for heating and cooling for each of the three climate zones. This is the estimated annual energy consumption of the air conditioner in that climate zone.
What does capacity mean?
The measure of energy service for an air conditioner is the rated cooling and/or heating capacity output of the air conditioner, usually specified in kilowatts (kW).
The heating capacity output of a reverse cycle air conditioner is the heat that can be put into a room. Similarly, the cooling capacity output is the heat that can be removed from a room. The higher the value, the more heating or cooling the air conditioner is capable of.
The rated values shown on the label are declared by the manufacturers under the test conditions defined in the Australian/New Zealand Standard.
How does the Zoned Energy Rating Label work for portable air conditioners?
Upon registration of a portable air conditioner, the Energy Rating Product Registration system will generate a Zoned Energy Rating Label for that air conditioner. If the portable air conditioner has:
- only one duct (a single duct portable air conditioner), the Zoned Energy Rating Label will display no stars
- two ducts (a double duct portable air conditioner), the Zoned Energy Rating Label will achieve at least half a star for each climate zone.
This is because single duct air conditioners are not efficient at cooling a room. While it may feel cool directly in front of the air conditioner, the appliance reduces air pressure in the room, drawing warmer air from other areas, which counteracts the cooling effect from the air-conditioner.
Where can I find more information?
The following resources are available to help you understand the Zoned Energy Rating Label.
- Read the guide for installers and suppliers - The new Zoned Energy Rating Label.
- Download the fact sheet - How to read the new Energy Rating Label for air conditioners.
- View the video on Energy Rating Label - What Retailers Need To Know.
- Watch the recordings from the Information sessions on the new Zoned Energy Rating Label.
- Check the Q&A - Questions and answers about the Zoned Energy Rating Label.