16 October 2024
Streamlining regulation for refrigerated cabinets

There are improvements to how refrigerated cabinets are regulated for sale in Australia with the introduction of the new Greenhouse and Energy Minimum Standards (Refrigerated Cabinets) Determination 2024.
The new requirements promote energy efficient products while reducing greenhouse gas emissions and energy bills for businesses.
The updated legislation came into force on 5 October 2024. It does not change Minimum Energy Performance Standards (MEPS) but does:
- provide additional compliance pathways using recent international test standards in addition to those already referenced in the old determination
- include changes to the marking plate requirements with transitional provisions.
Models registered under the old determination have been upgraded to the new agreement and will not be affected. Cabinets excluded from regulation include:
- chiller-freezer products, which have at least two compartments, and can simultaneously operate as a chiller and a freezer (these were not intended to be regulated)
- pozzetto scooping cabinets (used to refrigerate gelato).
See Refrigerated cabinets for industry information and Refrigerated cabinets for business information.
New Zealand has not implemented the new determination as it has existing legislation for refrigerated cabinets. Visit the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority for more information.