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07 June 2021

Upgrade Facility For Air Conditioner Registrations Reactivated

A 3D image of an air conditioner on a wall blowing cool air into the room

The facility allowing registrants to upgrade air conditioners registered under the Greenhouse and Energy Minimum Standards (Air Conditioners and Heat Pumps) Determination 2013 (the 2013 Determination) to the Greenhouse and Energy Minimum Standards (Air Conditioners up to 65kW) Determination 2019 (the 2019 Determination) has been reactivated in the registration system.

This upgrade facility gives registrants the ability to upgrade an air conditioner that has been registered under the 2013 Determination to the 2019 Determination without having to complete a new application.

For non-multi split air conditioners, it also allows registrants to replace their current Energy Rating Label with the new Zoned Energy Rating Label (ZERL).

The 2019 Determination requires additional information, so registrants will need to answer supplementary questions in the upgrade form.

There is a fee of $210 payable by the registrant for upgrading a registration.

Please note that this upgrade facility is only available for products registered in Australia.

To upgrade a registration:

  1. Go to the Overview page of the existing registration.
  2. Select ‘Upgrade Test Standard’ from the Actions box on the right hand side of the page.
  3. When the pop-up box appears, select the ‘Confirm’ button.
  4. When the pop-up box refreshes, select ‘Edit new Upgrade’.
  5. A new application appears, with all of the information from the previous application carried across, with the exception of the test report. Review each page of the application and provide the additional information where requested. The system will automatically upgrade the application to the appropriate Determination on the Registration Type page, but we recommend that you review that the correct Determination has been selected.
  6. On the Labs & Test Results page, upload the new test report that supports the new information you are entering.
  7. Continue reviewing the application and providing the additional information.
  8. For non-multi split products: On the Label page, select the ‘Generate Label’ button to generate your ZERL. Save the generated ZERL to your computer. You need to have filled in all of the required information in the upgrade application in order for a ZERL to generate.
  9. Complete the remainder of the application and pay the $210 fee.
  10. If there are no issues with the application, it should automatically be submitted to the Regulator by the system after you have completed your payment. If this does not happen, return to your application and check it for any issues or messages and then manually select ‘Submit’ on the Summary and Submission page.

The upgrade application will then be reviewed by an Assessor and approved if all requirements are met.

You will then receive an automated email from the system, indicating if your application has been approved or if further information is required.

We are currently updating our Help materials to include a video that will provide a visual walkthrough of the upgrade process and this will be available soon.

In the meantime, if you have any questions regarding the upgrade facility for air conditioners, please contact the Energy Rating Team.

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