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Have your say.


Have your say

We are committed to achieving the Equipment Energy Efficiency Program objectives of improving energy efficiency and reducing energy costs for consumers and businesses. To do this we undertake continual improvement of our program through: 

  • regular review of existing legislation and requirements 
  • revision and development of new energy efficiency standards and regulations. 

Consultations with community and industry stakeholders are a vital part of our review and development processes. The consultations we undertake ensure any proposed changes to Determinations are feasible, effective, and will deliver tangible benefits for consumers and businesses. 

Depending on the nature of the project, we may undertake consultations through: 

  • public forums 
  • invitations for formal submissions 
  • our online consultation hub. 

We value your knowledge and experiences and would appreciate you sharing them with us. Your input can help shape our energy efficiency requirements and continually improve our program and projects. 

Check the list of open consultations below for opportunities to get involved. 

Have your say on open consultations

Current consultations

Previous consultations


Options to expand the scope of distribution transformers

A Consultation Regulation Impact Statement (CRIS) has opened for public comment. The CRIS explores options to update the requirements for distribution transformers in Australia and New Zealand. These potential changes could support a range of energy efficiency measures relating to distribution transformers under the Equipment Energy Efficiency (E3) Program. The proposed options will reduce energy losses in the electricity network.

The CRIS has been developed by the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water with support from Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority.

The CRIS discusses:

  • expanding the scope of the existing determination
  • options to improve energy efficiency, including the stringency of Minimum Energy Performance Standards
  • test methods to reflect modern requirements.

The consultation supports updates that aim to reduce energy losses across the distribution network (step up and down voltage converters).

We welcome comments and submissions on the CRIS. The consultation will be open for 8 weeks.

Feedback and submissions will help shape the updated energy efficiency requirements ensuring they are effective and place the minimum burden on industry.

To have your say:

The consultation closes 31 January 2025.

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Space Heating Comparison Methodology

We are consulting on a proposed technical methodology for comparing the energy performance of residential space heaters, known as the “the comparison methodology”. The comparison methodology is a technical foundation from which the energy performance of different space heaters could be compared. It identifies how to define and calculate the energy performance of different heater types on a consistent and fair basis. It has been developed with the specialist assistance of the Space Heating Equipment Technical Working Group. This work is being progressed under the Equipment Energy Efficiency (E3) Program.

Your feedback will be used to refine the comparison methodology. 

To have your say:

Submit your feedback by 27 September 2024.

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Greenhouse and Energy Minimum Standards (GEMS) determination for commercial ice-makers

We invite you to take part in a public consultation process on an exposure draft of a new GEMS determination introducing minimum energy performance standards (MEPS) for commercial ice-makers.

Commonwealth, State and Territory Energy Ministers agreed in January 2024 to introduce MEPS for commercial ice-makers and a determination under the Greenhouse and Energy Minimum Standards Act 2012 would give effect to this decision.

MEPS will be introduced in two stages to reduce the disruption to the market. The first stage will be introduced on 1 January 2026 and the second level will come into effect two years later, on 1& January 2028.

We welcome your comments and submissions on this exposure draft. Your input will help to ensure that the new energy efficiency requirements operate as intended by Energy Ministers with the least burden placed upon suppliers of icemakers.

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Consultation Regulation Impact Statement – Televisions, Computer Monitors and Digital Signage Displays

We are consulting on possible changes to the energy efficiency requirements applying to televisions and computer monitors sold, supplied or imported into Australia or New Zealand. The proposed changes would update Australian and New Zealand regulations and bring them into line with the requirements applying in the European Union.  We are also consulting on whether to introduce mandatory energy efficiency labelling and standby and network power requirements for digital signage displays.

If approved by Energy Ministers, these new requirements would be established in Australia under the Greenhouse and Energy Minimum Standards Act 2012 (the GEMS Act).

The consultation regulation impact statement sets out a range options to improve the energy efficiency of electronic screens supplied in Australia and New Zealand and analysis of the likely effect of each option.

You can comment or provide data that we can use to improve the analysis underlying this review.

Update: the consultation has been extended to 5 pm, 7 July 2023.

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