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On 28 March 2025 the government assumed a Caretaker role. Information on websites maintained by the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water will be published in accordance with the Guidance on Caretaker Conventions until after the conclusion of the caretaker period.

For Industry


Adult sitting at a desk working on computer


Computers are widespread, with just about every home and office having one. The Determination for computers plays an important role in ensuring the energy efficiency of products in the market.

At a Glance


Minimum Energy Performance Standards  

Energy Rating Label  

Greenhouse and Energy Minimum Standards (Computers) Determination 2013




In Australia, this product is regulated under the Greenhouse and Energy Minimum Standards Act 2012. 

In New Zealand, the relevant legislation is the Energy Efficiency (Energy Using Products) Regulations 2002. Visit the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority website for more information.  

What products are covered?

Products covered by this Determination include notebook computers, tablet computers, desktop computers, integrated desktop computers, and small-scale servers.

These products need to be designed to connect to 230 or 240 volts mains voltage via a direct connection, an external power supply permanently connected to the product, or an external power supply that can be disconnected from the product.

Refer to section 5 and subsections 3 (2) and 3 (3) of the Determination for more details. 

What products are not covered?

The following products are not covered by this Determination.

  • Handheld computing devices (such as smartphones).
  • Game consoles.
  • Handheld gaming devices.
  • Blade personal computers.
  • Workstations and mobile workstations.
  • Computer servers that are not small-scale servers.
  • Slate computers.
  • Thin client computers.
  • High-end computers.

Technical requirements

For technical requirements regarding computers, including testing requirements and Minimum Energy Performance Standards, review the relevant Determination and standards.  


The following standards are referenced in this Determination and are available for purchase from Standards Australia. The version of the standards that apply are the versions that existed on 17 July 2012.

  • AS/NZS 4665.1:2005 Performance of external power supplies Part 1: Test method and energy performance mark.
  • AS/NZS 5813.1:2012 Information technology equipment - Energy performance of computers Part 1: Methods of measurement of energy performance.
  • AS/NZS 5813.2:2012 Information technology equipment - Energy performance of computers Part 2: Minimum energy performance standards (MEPS) for computers.
  • AS/NZS 5814.1:2012 Information technology equipment – Energy performance of internal power supplies Part 1: Methods of measurement of energy performance.

Minimum Energy Performance Standards   

The Minimum Energy Performance Standards for computers (other than those deemed-to-comply due to low sales volume) depend on the type of computer.

For computers other than small-scale servers, the Minimum Energy Performance Standards are set out in Subclauses 4.5.1 and 4.5.2 of AS/NZS 5813.2:2012, in relation to the typical energy consumption.

For small-scale servers, the Minimum Energy Performance Standards are set out in Subclause 4.5.3 of AS/NZS 5813.2:2012 in relation to the idle power mode consumption and the standby (off) power mode consumption.

Testing your product  

The requirements for testing computers, other than deemed-to-comply computers, are the requirements mentioned in section 2 (General Conditions for Measurement) and section 3 (Measurement Approach) of AS/NZS 5813.1:2012.

Deemed-to-comply computers

Computers are ‘deemed-to-comply’ if no more than 200 computers of that model have been or will be supplied each year. Deemed-to-comply computers have different Minimum Energy Performance Standards and testing requirements than other computers.

For deemed-to-comply computers, the Minimum Energy Performance Standards are set out in Clause 4.4 of AS/NZS 5813.2:2012.

Deemed-to-comply computers must be tested in accordance with:

  • for products with a direct connection to mains powerthe requirements mentioned in sections 2 (General Conditions for Measurement), 3 (Loading Criteria for Testing Efficiency) and 4 (Measurement Approach) of AS/NZS 5814.1:2012
  • for products powered by an external power supplythe requirements mentioned in subsections 6 (2) to 6 (4) of the Greenhouse and Energy Minimum Standards (External Power Supplies) Determination 2012.

If more than 200 computers will be sold in any year, the model must no longer be treated as a deemed-to-comply computer, and must be tested and registered accordingly. Supply must stop at 200 computers until the model has been re-registered

Labelling requirements

This product does not have any labelling requirements. 

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