Our Service Charter

Our Service Charter
The Greenhouse and Energy Minimum Standards (GEMS) Regulator, supported by the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (the Department), administers the Greenhouse and Energy Minimum Standards Act 2012 (GEMS Act). The GEMS Act is Australia’s national legislative framework for appliance and equipment energy efficiency.
This service charter builds on the Department’s overarching Service Charter and states the standard of service stakeholders can expect from the GEMS Regulator and supporting staff. This includes the service we provide in processing applications for registration under the GEMS Act, when we interact with stakeholders as part of compliance activities, and when we are responding to enquiries.
Our service commitments
Appliances and equipment regulated under the GEMS Act must be registered before they can be supplied in Australia. Registered products must meet specific requirements, which may include meeting Minimum Energy Performance Standards or displaying Energy Rating Labels.
When processing registration applications, we aim to meet the following timeframes (not including time in which we are waiting on more information from the applicant).
- Processing applications for registrations within 14 days from receipt.
- Notifying applicants in writing if an application remains under consideration after 42 days.
If you contact the Energy Rating team, we aim to:
- provide you with the most accurate, up to date information available
- answer your questions as clearly as possible and in a respectful way
- provide a response to your enquiry within three business days.
If your enquiry is more complex or requires you to provide additional information, it may take longer to resolve, but we will provide an initial response within three days and keep you updated on our progress.
Our Principles – what we will do
We are committed to open, effective and timely engagement and communication. |
We are clear and transparent about our processes and activities, including making clear what is required from stakeholders. |
We deal with stakeholders on a basis of trust and will uphold the highest standards of integrity. We perform our duties in a fair and impartial manner. |
We are accountable to the Australian Government and to the public to perform our duties to the highest possible standard. |
Our Expectations – what we need from you
Be informed
Check if the information you need is available on our website or the registration system help section. Make sure you are aware of your legislative requirements. |
Be respectful
Treat our staff with courtesy and respect, and recognise they are doing their best. Our staff will do the same in return. |
Participate actively
Provide full and accurate information, and promptly respond to any questions we ask when performing our duties. |
Understand we cannot favour you above others
Recognise that our regulation is fair and equitable and all stakeholders are treated equally. |
Feedback on our activities and performance
Your feedback on how we are meeting our service standards is important in enabling us to improve our services. We regularly survey our stakeholders and report on our performance.
If you have any general comments, suggestions for improvement or you feel the standard of service you have received has not been satisfactory, please contact us.
Your privacy
We recognise the importance of protecting the privacy and rights of individuals, and protecting the confidentiality of their personal information.
Our Privacy policy applies to the Energy Rating Product Registration system, Energy Rating Product Database, Energy Rating website, and Energy Rating Calculator.
You can contact the Department’s privacy officer at privacy@dcceew.gov.au.
All members of the public have the right to make complaints. Your feedback helps us to improve our programs and services.
Please contact us if you would like to make a complaint. You can also read Suggestions, compliments and complaints to understand the Department’s complaint process.
Review process
You have the right to request a review of certain decisions made by the GEMS Regulator or a delegate acting on their behalf. These decisions, which are outlined in Part 9 of the GEMS Act, include refusing to register a product or refusing to vary a model’s registration.
When reviewable decisions are made by a delegate of GEMS Regulator, you will be notified that you may apply for it to be reviewed by the GEMS Regulator. Applications for internal review must be made in writing to the GEMS Regulator within 30 days of receiving notification of the decision. On receipt of a review application, the GEMS Regulator must review the decision and may either affirm, vary or revoke the decision as the GEMS Regulator thinks appropriate.
If you are still not satisfied with the decision following an internal review, or the reviewable decision was originally made by GEMS Regulator, you have the right to apply to the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT) for a review. The AAT is independent of the GEMS Regulator. If you want the AAT to review the decision, you must apply to the AAT within 28 days of the date you received notification of the GEMS Regulator’s decision. If you have good reason for not meeting the time limit, you can write to the AAT and ask for an extension of time, giving details of your reason(s).
Application forms and further information are available from the AAT’s website.
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