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On 28 March 2025 the government assumed a Caretaker role. Information on websites maintained by the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water will be published in accordance with the Guidance on Caretaker Conventions until after the conclusion of the caretaker period.


Equipment Energy Efficiency Program

About the E3 Program.


The Equipment Energy Efficiency Program

The Equipment Energy Efficiency (E3) Program is an initiative of the Australian Government, states and territories and the New Zealand Government to improve the energy efficiency of appliances and equipment.   

The purpose of the E3 Program is to deliver a single, integrated approach to energy efficiency standards and labelling. Standards specify the minimum level of energy performance that appliances must meet before they can be sold. Labelling provides energy efficiency information to support consumers to make informed purchasing decisions.

These activities encourage investment in energy efficient products and reduce energy costs for households and businesses.

Program objectives

Light bulb with money symbol inside line drawing icon

Reduce energy bills for households and businesses.

Clothes washer with basket line drawing icon

Drive energy efficiency improvements in new appliances and equipment.

Planet earth with lines representing gas or heat line drawing

Decrease greenhouse gas emissions from appliance use.

How the program works

  • The legislative framework

    The Greenhouse and Energy Minimum Standards Act 2012 is the underpinning legislation for the E3 Program in Australia. It creates a national framework for product energy efficiency. 

    The Act establishes the Greenhouse and Energy Minimum Standards Regulator, who is based in the Australian Government Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water. The GEMS Regulator is responsible for administering the GEMS Act.

    In New Zealand, the Energy Efficiency (Energy Using Products) Regulations 2002 underpin the E3 Program. They are administered by the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority.

    Read more about the Legislative framework.

  • Who manages the program

    The Energy Efficiency Working Group is responsible for providing strategic and technical advice and making decisions in relation to implementing the E3 Program and improving the energy efficiency of appliances and equipment. The Energy Efficiency Working Group is comprised of representatives of the Australian, state and territory governments and the New Zealand government.

    Industry and consumer groups provide input into the E3 Program through the E3 Review Committee.

    Visit Governance to find out more.

  • Energy Rating Labels

    Energy Rating Labels help consumers make informed choices about the energy efficiency of the products they buy.

    Energy labelling requirements are developed through consultation between governments and stakeholders and with advice from industry and technical experts. Existing requirements are reviewed periodically to ensure they continue to meet their objectives and keep pace with new product developments.

    See Labelling for more information about Energy Rating Labels.

  • Minimum Energy Performance Standards

    Some appliances and equipment must meet Minimum Energy Performance Standards (MEPS) before they can be supplied in Australia or New Zealand. MEPS limit the energy that an appliance or piece of equipment can use to complete a specified task, such as washing or drying a load of clothes.

    Minimum Energy Performance Standards for a product are developed through consultation between governments and stakeholders with advice from industry and technical experts. 

    Visit Understand the Minimum Energy Performance Standards to learn more.

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