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Decision RIS: Lighting

This decision Regulation Impact Statement (RIS) was prepared by the Australian Department of the Environment and Energy (on behalf of the COAG Equipment Energy Efficiency Program) and assessed as adequate by the Office of Best Practice Regulation (OBPR). Energy Council Ministers approved this decision RIS on 20 April 2018.

The objective of the proposed government action is to remove inefficient and poor quality LED lamps from the Australian and New Zealand market. For Australia, the objective is also to accelerate the transition to efficient lighting, by removing the least efficient lamps from the market and deliver cost effective energy savings. An important part of achieving this is to minimise compliance costs for suppliers, including through close alignment with lighting regulations in major economies and markets.

Decision RIS lightingFINAL260418 DOCX 10.71mb Decision RIS lightingFINAL260418WCAG PDF 6.8mb
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