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29 September 2021

Security Changes for the Registration System Now Live

A screenshot of the e3 Energy Rating Registration system login page

The GEMS Regulator has released some important security changes in the Energy Rating Product Registration System (the Registration System).

These changes impact how users access the Registration System. They have been implemented as part of the commitment by the GEMS Regulator and the Energy Efficiency Conservation Authority (EECA) in New Zealand to boost the security and resilience of the Registration System against cyber-attacks.

These changes impact all users of the Registration System. They include:

  1. The replacement of passwords with passphrases and the introduction of a new passphrase policy;
  2. Locking out user accounts after five failed attempts to log in; and
  3. Automatically deactivating accounts that have not been accessed in over 30 days.

When you next log in to the Registration System, you will be prompted to change your password to a passphrase. Instructions on how to do this will be included on screen. You will then be required to change your passphrase every 90 days.

Specific details on these changes can be found here.

The Help section of the Registration System has been updated to reflect these changes and include step-by-step instructions. We will be working on providing additional support, including step-by-step videos, in coming months.

Please contact the Energy Rating Team if you have questions or require any assistance.

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