Heating and cooling
05 September 2017
2017 Commercial Climate Files
This Excel workbook contains the 2017 climate files and commercial temperature bins for Australia’s 69 and New Zealand’s 18 climate zones. They allow for the calculation of cooling and heating seasonal performance factors for air conditioners and heat pumps when used with:
- AS/NZS 3823.4.1:2014 Amendment 1 Air-cooled air conditioners and air-to-air heat pumps—Testing and calculating methods for seasonal performance factors—Cooling seasonal performance factor (ISO 16358-1:2013 (MOD)); and
- AS/NZS 3823.4.2:2014 Amendment 1 Air-cooled air conditioners and air-to-air heat pumps—Testing and calculating methods for seasonal performance factors—Heating seasonal performance factor (ISO 16358-2:2013 (MOD)).
The files at tabs 07RO, 24CA and 28RI are used to calculate the cooling and heating commercial seasonal performance factors for air conditioners and heat pumps for the Hot, Cold and Average climate zones. This data was used to create the outdoor temperature distribution bins in Schedule 6 of the Greenhouse and Energy minimum Standards (Air Conditioners up to 65kW) Determination 2019.